Young Playmakers

Young Playmakers is aimed at those under the age of 16 who would like to act on stage. Children can join from the age of 6 but will not be able to perform onstage until the age of 8.
Our young members get to experience auditions as well as acting, singing and dancing on stage and will be given parts that are appropriate for their age. Many Young Playmakers members have found their experiences to be a great boost to their self confidence and have gone on to acting in other areas.
Young Playmakers is run by Natasha Ashdowne who has an enhanced DBS and she is assisted by Nick Daborn who also has a DBS.

The summer production is a platform for acting and the skills required such as voice projection and characterisations. We meet at the North Camp Methodist Church at 6pm and rehearse until 7:15pm every Monday. Many of the Young Playmakers then stay on with their adults for the adults’ rehearsal. Many of our parents have become active performers or taken roles on our general committee

Pantomime (in January) is slightly different in that we still use Mondays for rehearsing and performance skills but they can also include dance routines. From approximately October we begin rehearsing with the rest of the adult cast on Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm.